The humans have gone to far this time especially Ly we must start anew
I hate to agree father but your right they must go
Father thank you I shall prepare!!!
Son it is I your father Prome I have come to warn you Zeus it going to flood the world if you want to live build a boat for you and your wife
Dia: 2
My love Py we must leave my father has warned me of Zeus's plan to flood the world we must board ship now
I am sorry I know I shall miss our home let use hurry below deck
I know how you feel my dear but please it is use or no one please we must leave
What of our home of our people will they not have a place with us
Py we must get below deck the Zeus's rath is to great
We must repopulate let us go ask the expert
The world is in ruin what shall we do now
Dia: 3
Oh king D.C you must throw the bones of the mother of both of you behind you shoulder
Bones of our mother what could that be do we have to find my mothers grave
Oh great expert how may we repopulate on this now barren world
Ah I understand it must be mother as in Gaea and bones her stones
Maybe one day things will be back to normal my children
I think that what they Greeks were trying to say with this work is that the gods are cruel but there not terrible as they chose to spare those who believed in them and did right by them. I also believe that this story is also a version of the flood story were something wipes out every thing except for two or a few people