This story takes place in old days on the island of Crete with King Minos, Icarus, and Daedalus.
Falling Action
Icarus and Daedalus build a castle with a maze in it for King Minos. After they find out what it is for, Icarus and Daedalus try to escape by flying away. Daedalus makes wings for the two of them.
Daedalus and Icarus leap from the window and fly high above everything they soar and soar and Icarus gets a sense of arrogance against the sun and ends up getting too close to the Sun.
Icarus remembers what his father had told him, ¨Dont fly too close to the sun!¨ But its too late, the wax on his wings begins to melt aff and he falls towards the sea.
Icarus falls and falls then eventually hits the water, either dying on impact or drowning after the fall.
They want freedom and to be out of King Minos hands.