you are not going to sell the eggs! i will broke them
fake cash
Now I am the president, you all must respect me
The hens wanted to sell their eggs, but Napoleon dont want to, so he broke the eggs in order they cannot sell them.Napoleon take away their food so as a result 9 hens died.
Years passed... and they have so many work in the windmill and less food. Napoleon grow more powerfull and he did a prayer with his merits and virtuges. finally they finish the windmill in agoust.Napoleon sell the wood to frederick but he paid whith FAKE cash! so now he is sentenced to death, Frederick and 14 men went to the farm to install their blow on the windmill, animals get so mad and they start fighting, that is called the battle of windmill
Boxer is working very hard in the windmill until the day he collapses becouse a lung aliment.The animal begin rebuilding thw windmill.The food continue to disminish.Napoleon orders a schoolroom to be built for the pigs education.
the pigs continue to grow fatter.Animal farm is eventually proclaimed a republic and Napoleon is appointed president.
animal farm is a republic
Years passed and the animals were even dumber than before.Muriel, blubell, jessie and pincher were dead so now is a new generation the pigs were very fat
Now the windmill was not used for life improvment but yes to make money. The ´pigs also errase all the commandments and starrt doing what they want.the animals and the humans were the same, they did not distinguish.