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Doin your mom

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Doin your mom
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Storyboard Tekst

  • Day 1/2
  • Day3/4
  • Day5/6
  • In the beginning, God created and separated#160;light from dark. He called the light day and the dark night. heaven and Earth. It was good. Genesis 1: 1-2. On the second day. God created the sky. Genesis 1: 7-8
  • Genesis 2: day 1
  • On the third day, The dry land vegetation and plants were created. Genesis 1: 9-13. On the fourth day, The sun moon and stars were created and the seasons and years were created. Genesis 1: 14-21
  • Genesis 2: day 2/3
  • On the fifth day, the fish and all other sea creatures were created. Genesis 1: 20-23. On the sixth day. God created#160;Land animals and then humans, who were created in God's likeness, were created. Genesis 1: 26-29
  • Genesis 2: day 4
  • There he placed the man he had created. Trees that were attractive to the eye and good for food grew out of the ground thanks to the Lord God. The tree of life and the tree of knowledge of good and evil stood in the centre of the garden.#160;Genesis 2: 8-10
  • The man was taken by the Lord God and placed in the Garden of Eden to labour and care for it.#160; You are free to eat from any tree in the garden, the Lord God told the man, but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for if you eat from it, you will surely die. Genesis 2 : 15-17
  • Because God was unable to find a suitable mate for Adam, he was left alone. So God put Adam to sleep, removed one of his ribs, and used that one rib. Eve, the first woman, was created by him.#160;2: 21-23
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