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Daily Life in the Roman Empire Dialogue Assignment

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Daily Life in the Roman Empire Dialogue Assignment
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Storyboard Tekst

  • Daily Life in the Roman Empire Dialogue Assignment
  •  “Life is great in the Roman Empire!”
  • “Rome is an amazing place if you have money. For example,..."
  • “Not for all of us! What’s so good about your daily life?”
  • Houses
  • “I live in a giant Villa made out of stone and marble with a full kitchen with thick walls to cancel out noise.”
  • “Well aren’t you spoiled, I live in a cramped apartment that's really dirty and carries with disease. My house also has a very high risk of burning down because it is mostly made of wood.”
  • Food and drink
  • “Sucks to be you I guess. I have a kitchen in my house and I get to have mice cooked in honey, roasted parrots stuffed with dates, salted jellyfish, and snails dipped in milk. I also get to drink plain water and hot water with herbs and honey. What do you get to eat?”
  • “Oh my god, this is so unfair. I have to cook on a small grill that gives my house a chance to burn down. I also only have chunks of fish along with some asparagus and a fig for dessert. We have to depend on “fast-food” places called thermopolia, which isn't very fun.”
  • Education
  • "When I was growing up I was taught by my Father and sometimes by my slaves until I was six. I was then sent off to school which was held at a private home and sometimes in a public classroom which were taught by slaves. I had to study until I was sixteen years old. What do you think of that!?"
  • “I can't believe this, when I was a child I was sent to work instead of school. I learned trades, such as leatherworking and metalworking, to help earn money for their families. I was so poor I couldn't even go to school.”
  • law and order 
  • "The police keep an eye on my neighborhood all the time.I try to hide my wealth by wearing old, dirty togas when I travel at night. I am told to never go outdoors alone, even during the day. When we commit a crime we don’t have to face a cruel punishment."
  • "I don’t even matter. The poor neighborhoods never got patrolled by officers, only the rich neighborhoods. We are sometimes tortured if we commit a crime and we weren’t even considered citizens."
  • Rich vs Poor
  • The End
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