Edmond was crying when he heard a noise he put his ear up to but the wall then he banged on the wall that's when it stopped and that's when he started to scrape the wall
After 12 long years in prison
That is good,we shall talk more tomorrow night
I'm prisoner 27, And who are you?
A few weeks after scraping he had seen a man threw a hole next to his cell ''smiling he asked''
Who are you?
My name is Edmond, You can trust me,Let's work together to ecape
After Edmond telling his story,Faria the old man began to ask questions,When faria was done asking question Edmond was angry
'Edmond filled with rage'We must ecape this place! I must have revenge on those who have done me wrong
You will have to escape alone, I am to weak, This sickness will kill me
1 year later they were digging an ecape but then faria fell in pain
A few days later...Faria passed away
Use the wealth for good not revenge
The next day he heard a few gaurds saying that they were gojng to throw Faria's body off of the cliff so Edmond went and took Farias spot .And thats when Edmond escaped