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Human trafficking

Izveidojiet Storyboard
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Human trafficking
Storyboard That

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Izmēģiniet to bez maksas!

Izveidojiet savu Storyboard

Izmēģiniet to bez maksas!

Montāžas Teksta

  • A girl is waiting for the cars to go past to cross the road while walking her dog around the neighborhood. She notices her dad's car and gets scared as she is not allowed to see him.
  • Next thing she knows her dad is taking her into the back of his car and is taking her away back to his house that she doesn't know yet.
  • She is on the highway with her dad and she now knows that she is going to her dad's house which is close to where she is now.
  • She makes it to her dad's house and knows that its bad and her mum doesn't know that her dad as her.
  • He keeps her in the room at the top of the house so no one can get her and is going to keep her hostage
  • Her mum is at the police station and is telling them that she thinks that her dad was the one that as her and taken her back to her house.
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