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Ancient World Histor

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Ancient World Histor
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Montāžas Teksta

  • Rise of the Empire
  • Culture and Religion
  • Social Class
  • The Aztec empire grew because of their alliances, and parternships to build their empire. They also made the people who they conquered pay tribute.
  • Government/Leadership
  • The Aztecs were polytheistic. Quetzalcoatl was the feathered serpant, represented as a man with a beard. The name of their sun god was Tonatiuh.
  • Achievements
  • 1. Emperor 2. Nobility & Priests 3. Merchants, Artisans, Soldiers 4. Farmers, Fishers, Women 5. Slaves
  • Decline of Empire
  • The Government of the Aztecs was similar to a monarchy, with a primary ruler. The ruler was appointed by the gods.
  • Some achievements of the Aztecs were a complex calendar system, and famous pyramids/temples.
  • The Spanish conquistador Hernan Cortes overthrew the Aztec Empire and captured Tenochtitlan.
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