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Izveidojiet Storyboard
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Izmēģiniet to bez maksas!

Izveidojiet savu Storyboard

Izmēģiniet to bez maksas!

Montāžas Teksta

  • Okay class, next time I see you I want you to have written a 5 page essay on the topic we have been learning to grow your understanding. You are allowed to do outside research.
  • Jeez, is he serious?
  • 48 hours until essay due..
  • Hey! Did Mr. Tanner assign you that essay due next class?
  • Hi! Yeah, I'm not too worried about it. I have the whole weekend to finish it up.
  • Okay, aslong as i dont have anything else to do i can totallly finish the essay and do pretty well on it! Ill be fine, no need to worry
  • All right! the bell is about to ring I barely got any more assignments I need to finish.
  • *Main Office on loud speaker*
  • Its time to go and I hope everyone has a good rest of their day!
  • Just remember today and tomorrow the girls track team is meeting at Brownsville High school for a mid season meet! Lets make sure to show our girls some support!
  • Oh no!! I completely forgot about that. Im gonna have to be in Brownsville for at least 3 hours after school. And im always so tired after meets to do anything else
  • Im never going to finish this essay.
  • Few Hours later....
  • 2 hours later...
  • Great work out there today girls. Get home safe and get some sleep. Ill see you tomorrow!
  • Sure thing coach. and thank you!
  • Great job today kid. Your our star runner in this group. I need you to bring your A game every meet. Can you do that for me? I know if you do we will be very successful
  • 40 hours until essay due......
  • Im so exhausted from that. I cant even think! Glad we won though.
  • Lets at least try to start the essay for Mr. Tanner. It cant be that bad.
  • 4 hours later
  • What the heck is all of this! I dont remember learning anything related to this topic! How am I supposed to do this.
  • Okay. Okay. Lets just try and do some research
  • 36 hours until essay due..
  • Oh no! I didn't get anything done. I totally fell asleep. Its okay. I can get it done after the track meet today.
  • Why do you look so stressed? C'mon, we gotta get our work done
  • 3 hours later...
  • Great job today honey! You did really great. Why do you look so worried?
  • I need to write this long essay where i know nothing about the topic and i need to be in top shape for track! I feel like its weighing me down but I've been trying to ignore it and its just not working! I haven't done anything in school lately because ive been so worried!
  • I cant do it anymore mom, i just cant do it! Iv'e been so stressed out these past few days, and i haven't gotten anything done that I've needed to do! I feel so overwhelmed with everything.
  • Oh sweet heart i'm so sorry you've been going through this. I want you to know that you can talk about these things, you dont need to keep them bottles up. It actually is helpful to get these problems off your chest!
  • Tell you what, when we get home I'll help you write your essay and any other school work that needs to get done
  • *sniff* thanks mom that would be awesome
  • Thank you again mom, that was really helpful.
  • Of course sweetie. And remember, next time you are feeling stressed, even if its just a little bit, talk to somone, its more helpful then you think.
  • I will, thank you again!
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