Vytvorte vizuálne zhrnutie egyptského mýtu a pomôžte tak oživiť príbeh! Tento mýtus je smrť Osirisa.
Montāžas Teksta
Osiris is tricked by his jealous brother Set to get into a coffin that was specially made for him. When Osiris gets inside, Set closes it and throws it into the Nile. Set had hoped to become the new ruler of all of Egypt.
Set is so jealous of Osiris that he is willing to do anything to kill him and become the new ruler.
klesajúci ACTION
Isis a Nephthys tajne plánujú nájsť Osirisa, a keď to Isis urobí, je mŕtvy. Isis prinesie späť jeho telo a skryje ho, zatiaľ čo ona myslí na spôsob, ako ho vzkriesiť z mŕtvych.
Set finds the body, dismembers it, and spreads the body parts all over Egypt.
With help, Isis finds all of Osiris’ body parts except one. Since Osiris was incomplete, he wasn’t able to be resurrected, but became the ruler of Duat, the realm of the dead.
Predtým, ako sa Osiris ubytuje v Duate, otehotnie Isis so svojím synom Horom, ktorý by sa jedného dňa pomstil za smrť jeho otca.