NO! you're the only person that knows the solution to the maze
May we leave now King Minos
Rising Action
You will be living here until both of your deaths
So when do we get to leave
King Minos tricked Daedalus and Icarus into going through a maze that had a half man half beast to get money.
Shhh! Icarus we're leaving here
Once Daedalus and Icarus finished the maze King Minos would not let them leave because they were the only people who knew the solution to the maze.
Falling Action
Hey! They're leaving
King Minos is making Daedalus and Icarus live in the tallest locked tower because they were the only people who knew the solution to the maze
Daedalus woke Icarus up early in the morning when the King wasn't noticing and Daedalus told Icarus to be quiet and that they were leaving the island Crete that morning after Icarus confessed he liked the island
No! I actually like this place, They give us gold
Daedalus and Icarus eventually get caught flying by the guards because they heard Daedalus giving tips to Icarus on how to fly.
Come On! Don't Fly to close to the sun
Icarus got to close to the sun while flying and his wings folded. Daedalus tried to catch him but slipped. Icarus then fell into the ocean with all of the eels, sharks and jellyfish.