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Managementul de Sine

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Managementul de Sine
Storyboard That

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Izmēģiniet to bez maksas!

Montāžas Apraksts

După ce au citit Decibella și vocea ei de 6 inci de Julia Cook, elevii își pot ilustra propriile puncte slabe și pot descrie modul în care vor transforma acest lucru într-un punct forte.

Montāžas Teksta

  • UGH!
  • So this weekend, I am...
  • Oh, this weekend I am going to the lake with my family. I am so excited!
  • This weekend I am visiting my cousins in New York. What about you guys?
  • Deep breath, wait until Sarah is done talking.
  • One of my weaknesses is that I often have a hard time waiting my turn to talk in social conversations. I get so excited to chime in that I interrupt a lot.
  • One thing I can do to manage this is to take a few deep breaths when I want to interrupt. That will help me remember to slow down and wait my turn.
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