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Planet Storyboard Saturn

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Planet Storyboard Saturn
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Montāžas Teksta

  • When was Saturn Discovered?
  • Galileo Galilei discovered Saturn. Saturn is famous for it's rings, the planet was discovered in 1610. He was an Italian astronomer.
  • Saturn's Moons
  • Saturn has 82 moons, 53 are confirmed and named, but 29 moons are not confirmed.
  • Saturn's Mass
  • Saturn's Mass is: 5.683 × 10^26 kg.Saturn's mass compared to earth's is 95 times the mass of Earth.
  • FUN FACT: Saturn has only been visited 4 times by spacecraft.
  • Saturn's Distance away from the Sun and Diameter
  • Saturn's distance from the Sun is 890.8 million mi. Saturn's diameter is 72,367 mi.
  • FUN FACT: Did you know Titan is the largest of Saturn's moons and the first to be discovered.
  • Saturn's Orbital period
  • Saturn's orbital period is 29 years. Saturn's length of day is 0d 10h 42m.
  • FUN FACT: Saturn could float in water because it is mostly gas and helium.
  • Saturn's Rings
  • The first astronomers thought that Saturn's rings were first made of moons. 
  • FUN FACT: Saturn is one of the farthest planets that we can see with the naked eye.
  • FUN FACT: Some scientists think that it rains diamonds on Jupiter and Saturn.
  • FUN FACT: Did you know Saturn's rings a look huge, but they actually are thin.
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