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Ways to be an Advocate

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Ways to be an Advocate
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Dzimums un Seksualitāte

Dzimums un Seksualitāte

Nodarbību Plāni - Patriks Hīlijs

Cilvēka seksualitāte ir niansēta tēma, un skolēniem var tikt sniegta pretrunīga informācija. Mūsdienās pusaudži vēlas runāt par šo tēmu, un skolotāja uzdevums ir veicināt diskusiju izglītojošā un progresīvā veidā.


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Montāžas Apraksts

Ways to be an Advocate for LGBTQ classmates & family

Montāžas Teksta

  • Does anyone want to join GSA?
  • Just so you know, the proper term is...
  • Changing the culture in your school can make the biggest impact for LGBTQ students. Creating or joining an after-school club is a great choice.
  • Helping others to understand aspects of different sexuality is important. Someone may not know how they can be more inclusive.
  • I saw someone tweeted this at my friend who is...
  • I did my project on the rights of the LGBTQ community.
  • Make sure to report any bullying or harassment. LGBTQ students are more likely to be a target.
  • Be someone others can follow even, if it's not the norm. This will help create conversations on LGBTQ issues.
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