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Editable Power Outage Story with Pictures | Being Flexible Social Story

Skatīt Nodarbību Plānu
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Sometimes there is weather bad enough to make the electricity go out.

When that happens, things that use electricity, like the lights, will not work.

Your parents can help you light a candle, or give you a flashlight.

Soon, the electricity will come back on!

It's kind of scary in the dark.

That's not so bad anymore.

Woo hoo! The lights are back on!

Editable Power Outage Story with Pictures | Being Flexible Social Story
Storyboard That

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Sociālo Stāstu Pāreju Nodarbību Plāni

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Montāžas Apraksts

Special Ed Social Stories for Transitions. Create your own social stories!

Montāžas Teksta

  • It's kind of scary in the dark.
  • That's not so bad anymore.
  • Woo hoo! The lights are back on!
  • Sometimes there is weather bad enough to make the electricity go out.
  • When that happens, things that use electricity, like the lights, will not work.
  • Your parents can help you light a candle, or give you a flashlight.
  • Soon, the electricity will come back on!
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