Create a storyboard illustrating leading figures of the Reconstruction Era
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Hiram Revels
I Hiram Revels do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same
Thaddeus Stevens
I wished that I were the owner of every southern slave, that I might cast off the shackles from their limbs, and witness the rapture which would excite them in the first dance of their freedom. I can never acknowledge the right of slavery.
Frederick Douglass
Hiram Revels became the first African American United States Senator. As a Senator, Revels fought for civil rights, integration of public schools and equal opportunities for African American workers.
Thaddeus Stevens was one of the leaders of the Radical Republicans, a powerful leader in the House of Representatives and an outspoken opponent of slavery. Throughout his political career, Stevens fought for Civil Rights and helped draft the 14th Amendment which granted the right to vote for all American men.
Frederick Douglass was born a slave and became one of the influential Abolitionists in American History. Douglas was significant for advising numerous Presidents including Abraham Lincoln and fought for Civil Rights up until his death.