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Nevada Jautri Fakti

Skatīt Nodarbību Plānu
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Shrimp, Anyone?

Extraterrestrial Activity?

Nevada was the first state to say yes to the Fifteenth Amendment, allowing all races to vote.

People in Nevada consume over 60,000 pounds of shellfish each day, which is more than the rest of the country combined!

It's been said that UFOs have been sighted at an air force based called Area 51, located in Lincoln County, Nevada. Tourists visit the area hoping to witness some kind of extraterrestrial activity.

Nevada Jautri Fakti
Storyboard That

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Izmēģiniet to bez maksas!
Jūs varat atrast šo montāžas šādās rakstiem un resursi:
Nevadas Štata Ceļvedis un Aktivitātes

Nevadas Štata Ceļvedis

Lauren Ayube Nodarbību Plāni

Nevada atrodas ASV rietumu reģionā un robežojas ar Kaliforniju, Oregonas štatu, Aidaho, Jūtu un Arizonu. Iesaistiet un izglītojiet skolēnus par Nevadu, izmantojot iepriekš sagatavotas Storyboard That aktivitātes!


Nevadas Štata Ceļvedis

Montāžas Apraksts

Studenti var ilustrēt jautrus un unikālus faktus par Nevadas štatu

Montāžas Teksta

  • Vote!
  • Shrimp, Anyone?
  • Extraterrestrial Activity?
  • Nevada was the first state to say yes to the Fifteenth Amendment, allowing all races to vote.
  • People in Nevada consume over 60,000 pounds of shellfish each day, which is more than the rest of the country combined!
  • It's been said that UFOs have been sighted at an air force based called Area 51, located in Lincoln County, Nevada. Tourists visit the area hoping to witness some kind of extraterrestrial activity.
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