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Cinder and Ella Enchanted: Teksta Salīdzinājums

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Cinder and Ella Enchanted: Teksta Salīdzinājums
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Āzijas meitene ar tumšiem matiem stāv mehānikas veikalā, rokas uz gurniem. Viņa piemiedz aci. Viņai blakus ir neliels ķermeņa robots.

Marisas Meijeres plēne

Autors Lauren Ayube

Cinder ir sešpadsmit gadus veca kiborga, kas dzīvo Ņūpekinā, futūristiskajā Austrumu sadraudzības pilsētā, kopā ar savām pamātes un briesmīgo pamāti. Augsti kvalificētam mehāniķim Cinderam ir stends tirgū, un viņu apmeklē princis Kajs, kurš lūdz viņai salabot viņa Android. Nāvējošās slimības letumosis uzliesmojums ātri izplatās tirgū, un viss sāk izjukt. Cinderas pasaule drīz mainīsies, kad viņa mēģina glābt savas pusmāsas dzīvību un galu galā visu planētu.

Ellu Apbūrusi Geila Kārsone Levina

Ella, kuru apbur Gails Karsons Levins

Autors Lauren Ayube

Ella piedzima bagātā ģimenē Frellas zemē. Tāpat kā visi jaundzimušie bērni, viņa saņēma īpašu dāvanu no pasakas Lūsindas: paklausības dāvanu. Lai vai kā, Ellai bija jāpilda katra pavēle, kas viņai tika dota, un viņa nedrīkstēja nevienam stāstīt par savu dāvanu. Kad Ella kļūst vecāka, viņa saprot, ka šī nav gluži tā dāvana, kādai tai bija jābūt: tas bija lāsts.



Montāžas Apraksts

Diagramma, kurā salīdzinātas Pelnrušķīte, Ella Enchanted un Pelnrušķīte

Montāžas Teksta

  • Characters
  • Cinderella is the main character in the original fairy tale, along with Prince Charming, Fairy Godmother, and Cinderella's evil step-mother and step-sisters.
  • Cinder is the main character. Prince Kai, Queen Levana, Dr. Erland, Adri, Peony, and Pearl are also important characters in the story.
  • You cannot marry Queen Levana, Kai!
  • Ella is the main character. Char, Mandy, Lucinda, Dame Olga, Hattie, and Olive are also a big part of the story.
  • Hop on one foot until I tell you to stop.
  • Main Conflict
  • Cinderella is forced to live with her wicked step-mother and step-sisters after her beloved father dies. When the kingdom announces that there will be a ball for all eligible maidens in order to find a princess for the prince, Cinderella has the help of her fairy godmother to make the prince fall in love with her before midnight.
  • Cinder is a cyborg living with her evil step-mother and step-sisters. When a deadly virus spreads, it kills thousands, including her step-sister and the emperor. When Prince Kai, who will soon become the new emperor, decides he will marry the evil Lunar Queen Levena, Cinder must do everything in her power to stop him.
  • Ella is cursed with obedience and must do whatever is asked of her. When her father leaves her behind with her evil stepmother and stepsisters, Ella is treated as a maid and ridiculed, all the while falling more and more in love with Prince Char through their letters. Ella must find a way to break the curse so that she can live her life.
  • Sidekick(s)
  • Cinderella's buddies are her mice friends, led by the ever faithful Gus and Jaques.
  • Cinder's faithful sidekick is her android, Iko.
  • Ella has a parrot named Chock.
  • Ball
  • Cinderella's fairy godmother uses magic to create a beautiful gown for her, along with a pumpkin carriage and dainty glass slippers.
  • To get to the ball, Cinder takes an old gasoline car that she found at the junkyard. She wears Pearl's dirty, wrinkly dress, and clunky boots to cover her metal left foot.
  • The night of the first ball is icy and rainy. So she doesn't get wet, Mandy uses her magic to create a beautiful coach with horses, a coachman, and a footman.
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