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Social Studies Project

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Social Studies Project
Storyboard That

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Izmēģiniet to bez maksas!

Izveidojiet savu Storyboard

Izmēģiniet to bez maksas!

Montāžas Teksta

  • The Indus Valley civilization lasted for about 5000 years. The Indus Valley is located in the Indus Valley river. A river that is near the Indus Valley is the Indus Valley river
  • We like to spend a lot of time on our roof and when it is really hot out we sleep on our roofs
  • Homes were important to us because a lot of people work, live, sleep in the houses and most importantly the houses give us shelter
  • In people’s bathrooms people stood on a brick “shower tray” and tipped the clean water over themselves from a jar
  • Dirty water flowed out of the house through pipes into a drain in the street
  • In the Great Bath we come in here to forget about all bad thoughts and come here to bathe
  • People would use seals as labels to show who owned a sack of grain, or that the correct city tax has been paid
  • People would trade sacks of wheat for one basket of minerals
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