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Literary Conflict in The Black Cat

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Create your own at Storyboard ThatMANvsSELFMANvsNATUREMANvsMANThenarratorisbattlingalcoholism,whichalsosendshimintoragesofviolenceagainsthispetsandhiswife.AfterhegougesPluto’seye,heiswrackedwithguilt,whicheventuallyturnstoanger,leadinghimtohangPluto.Theguiltcontinuesasheisunabletoaccepttheaffectionsofthesecondeyelesscat,andhisangercontinuestobeanobstaclehecannotovercome.Thenarratorissoconfused,guilt-ridden,andmiserablethathecomestoseethecatsashisenemies.Thesecondcatdoeseventuallygetthebetterofthenarrator,however,byrevealingthemurderofhiswife,andfinallybringingjusticetothenarrator’sevildeeds.Thenarratorregularlytakesouthisangeranddrunkenviolenceonhiswife,butwhenshetriestostophimfromkillingtheblackandwhitecat,shecrossesalinethathewillnotstandfor.Inarage,hekillsherforstoppinghimfromputtinganendtohismiserywiththecat.
Literary Conflict in The Black Cat
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The Black Cat by Edgar Allan Poe Literary Conflict

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  • MAN vs SELF
  • MAN vs MAN
  • The narrator is battling alcoholism, which also sends him into rages of violence against his pets and his wife. After he gouges Pluto’s eye, he is wracked with guilt, which eventually turns to anger, leading him to hang Pluto. The guilt continues as he is unable to accept the affections of the second eyeless cat, and his anger continues to be an obstacle he cannot overcome.
  • The narrator is so confused, guilt-ridden, and miserable that he comes to see the cats as his enemies. The second cat does eventually get the better of the narrator, however, by revealing the murder of his wife, and finally bringing justice to the narrator’s evil deeds.
  • The narrator regularly takes out his anger and drunken violence on his wife, but when she tries to stop him from killing the black and white cat, she crosses a line that he will not stand for. In a rage, he kills her for stopping him from putting an end to his misery with the cat.
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