تحذير: لا تقم بتسجيل المواد المحمية بحقوق الطبع والنشر (الموسيقى الخلفية، أو مقاطع الأفلام أو التلفزيون، وما إلى ذلك)
We recommend that individuals stay at home and use a mask when they go out. Use the social distancing rule as well.
The number of people receiving Covid has risen.
If you wish to go outside, kids, be aware that you may contract the virus. Take a look at the news.
In case it doesn't end, we were unable to play outside?
Indeed darling so you don't contract the infection.
Mother is the pandemic deteriorating?
Sadly yes.
Assuming the pandemic doesn't end as well, father could be stuck abroad right?
Indeed, since they are not yet permitting trips for OFW to get back home in their country.
I miss him already.
Don't worry kids. You should not be sad if he is just one call away. Also their company is taking care of their workers so everything's fine.
I heard that one of the specialist there got positive from the test. Is father okay?
Indeed, yet he was a long way from where it occurred and furthermore he got the outcome and it returned negative.
If we could stop the virus, we could see your dad again. But we can't. So we just have to wait for the vaccine and everything will be fine.
I can hardly wait to see him and embrace him!
Yahoo! That is great to hear.
An outbreak of a pandemic disease.Can influence to our life particularly those individuals who are OFW's battling during this sort of pandemic.
And that's why we have to respect OFWs who work hard and achieve their goals. Keep up the effort!
Life is a continuous feeling wherein something you work for it to be happy in terms of your soul.