Yeah. I have my orientation in a few minutes. So, that money I owe you... I can finally pay you pay back in, like, three months or so.
You got a job here?
Yep. Acquisitions. Third floor.
What? That’s my department.
Yeah, cool, huh?
What are you going to be doing?
Not really sure, acquisitions I think.
I know, how cool is that?
How? You don’t have any experience in this field. Hell, you’ve never even worked in an office before.
Right, but the thing is, I have a killer resume. Okay, I may have exaggerated a little, but who cares? I killed it the interview. They totally loved me.
What did you put on your resume?
Oh, I put really amazing things on it...
Isn’t that sweet?
Oh my god, Alexis. This is my resume.
No, it’s mine. See, my name is right there.
No, this is my resume, you just copied it and put your name on it.
I made it prettier. Look, I even put a flowers along the border.
You can’t do this.
Oh no, you have been hounding me for months to pay you back. So, I figured, in the interest in saving our friendship, I did what I had to do.
If they find out, they’ll fire both of us.
I doubt it, because I’m going to rock acquisitions, baby.
You don’t even know what that is?
Look, I’m a fast learner, I’ll have all that stuff down in no time. I just need you to teach me.
I can’t do my job and teach you, too. I don’t have time for that.
You want me to pay you back or not?
Yes, but....
Okay then... I’m going to my orientation now. I’ll see you on the third floor when I take the tour.