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Technology in Education storyboard for Prezi presentation about landforms

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Technology in Education storyboard for Prezi presentation about landforms
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  • Hello Class!! Today we will be learning about what is a landform and types of landform.
  • One-fourth of the Earth's surface is covered by land. The land on the Earth is not the same everywhere. These different physical features found on the surface of the Earth are called landforms.
  • A mountain is an area of land that rises very high above the land around it and is higher than a hill. Mountains are the highest landform on Earth’s surface, and they may be steep and covered with snow or have gentle slopes with a rounded top. A group of mountains is called a mountain range.
  • A hill is a piece of land that rises higher than everything surrounding it. It looks like a little bump in the Earth. They are a similar type of landform to mountains, except they're generally considered to be smaller and less steep.
  • A valley is a type of landform found between hills or mountains, typically with a river or stream flowing through it. They can be U-shaped or V-shaped and are often green and luscious.
  • Plateaus are areas of high land that often have steep sides but are typically flat or hilly on top.
  • A plain is a wide area of flat land. Like plateaus, plains are found on all seven continents. One common type of plain is a grassland, which is an area mainly covered with grass. This isn’t the only type of plain though, some deserts and forests are plains.
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