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The Crucible Children's Book

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The Crucible Children's Book
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  • Once upon a time there was a girl named Abigail William. Abigail is selfish, manipulative, and a magnificent liar. She will do anything to be the center of attention at all times. She lives with her uncle reverend Paris.
  • One day Abigail, Tituba and all the other girls in the village decided to go to the woods. Abigail wanted to cast a spell on Elizabeth Proctor, John Proctor’s wife.
  • Abigail and John had feelings for each other in the past and so now Abigail is jealous. Back in this time casting any type of spells was considered witch craft. Witch craft was illegal and you could be hanged for this.
  • While Tituba and all the girls were dancing around and casting the spell, Paris walked through the woods and saw them. Paris is the reverend in the town at this time and he was not happy to see them doing this. He knew if the town found out about this witch craft it could ruin his reputation forever.
  • When Abigail got back home, Paris had a strict conversation with Abigail. She denied that they were doing witch craft. She told him that they were just having fun and dancing in the woods. The town started finding out about what they were doing and things started going downhill since then.
  • After the town started finding out about the so called witch craft, they called a man named reverend Hale to come and investigate. When he got to town he started questioning people and they would put the blame on someone else. All of a sudden the whole town was blaming each other for practicing witch craft.
  • The courts came to town and started punishing the people for their so called crimes, when really they didn’t do anything. The town was living in fear at this point. Abigail was starting to get jealous that she wasn’t center of attention and so she told the court that Elizabeth Proctor was using witchcraft on her.
  • Elizabeth denied being associated with witchcraft and John was furious. John went to Abigail and told her that what they had in the past was over. He also told her she needs to tell the court that she lied and that Elizabeth was innocent. Abigail said she wouldn’t.
  • I never did witchcraft!
  • Prosecution day came for Elizabeth and John told the courts that Abigail was lying. The courts asked how he knew and he explained to them that Abigail was jealous of Elizabeth because she liked John. The courts told John that the only way he could save his wife was to take the blame for the witchcraft and admit to it or be hanged for it. John was a holy man and couldn’t make himself confess to witchcraft. Confessing would ruin his relationship with God.
  • Since he wouldn’t confess to witchcraft the courts sentenced him to be hanged. He sacrificed his life to save his wife and his name. John Proctor was a strong believer in telling the truth. He also believed that saving his name was more important than living with that sin on him the rest of his life. The End
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