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IRA StoryBoard

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IRA StoryBoard
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Montāžas Teksta

  • Louisiana Purchase
  • Lewis and Clark
  • Zebulon Pike
  • The French were desperate for money because they were fighting Great Britain, and the Americans were looking to expand land. In result of that the French traded land to the Americans for money.
  • Stephen H. Long
  • Lewis and Clark were the first Americans to explore Kansas they stated that is was pretty and land that you could live on. They also said that the Kansas rivers water was tasted bad.
  • Jackson's Speech
  • Zebulon Pike was the first American to travel Kansas by land. He said that it looked like a desert because he was in western Kansas.
  • Indian Removal Act
  • Stephen Long also explored western Kansas and called it a desert . He then named it "The Great American Dessert.
  • Jackson's Speech was to the congress and it was his plan to get the Indians gone. He did this because he wanted the white Americans to have more land.
  • The Indian Removal Act was when the white Americans forced the Indians out of Kansas. They were forced to go to western Kansas.
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