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A retelling of hansel and gretel

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A retelling of hansel and gretel
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Izmēģiniet to bez maksas!

Montāžas Apraksts

By : Jaidah Temple

Montāžas Teksta

  • I have a plan. We will use the bread we are given to track our way back home!
  • Heres some bread kids. Lets take a deep long walk into the forest in the middle of the night!
  • Look at you two locked caged birds. I cannot wait to eat you! HAHAHAH!
  • Hansel and Gretel By jaidah Temple
  • Once upon a time in a little village far far away there lived a family in a small cottage. The family was so very poor and lived off of the little bread they can afford. There was a famine in their country and their situation only got worse.
  • Their father led them deep into the forest, giving them each a slice of bread. The children knowing their fathers plan
  • I will not let you out! you have to promise too never eat kids again.
  • Now look whose stuck im the cage!!
  • So when the time came in the dead of night their father led them deep into the forest . There he left them all alone. The childern waited for their father to be gone a moment to be sure that they would not run into him.
  • I used to be a good witch but ive been curesed by an even worse witch to never eat any thing i grow all because i beat her at poker!!
  • But when they turned to follow their crumb path they found that all of it was gone. Now Hansel and Gretel were stuck in adark and scary forest all alone with no food or shelter.
  • Im getting dirt all under my finger nails!
  • Oh really? i cant imagine why......
  • After wandering through the dark forest all night searching for food and some kind of shelter the children smell something extremley sweet. They walk further a see a house made out of ginger bread decorated with frostings and candy.
  • Hansel and Gretel quickly run to the house with joy on their faces. The begin to eat the decorations of the house. In their hunger and daze the siblings did not notice a dark figure coming from out of the house.
  • Coming outside of the lavish house was a witch, and she was very very angry. She grabbed the children and pushed them into her house.
  • The witch and the children went into the house to find that it was almost completely barren with noting but bland furniture. The outside of the house was clearly just a ploy. The witch pushed the children into cages and lit a fire in the fire place.
  • Hansel and Gretel yell and scream at the witch but she just laughs,
  • The witch explains to the children that she uses the house to lure children into her home so she could eat them.
  • When the witch determines that the fire is ready she tries to grab hansel out of the cage but gretel grabs her hand and pushes her into the cage. The children tell the witch that she will not be let out until she agrees to stop eating children.
  • The witch begins to cry and starts to explain that shes cursed. She tells that she cannot eat the food that she makes. Plus with the villages ongoing famine she cannot go and buy food.
  • Gretel tells the witch that she has a plan. They can plant a garden behind the house but the children will plant it instaed of the witch. The witch agreed to this plan and produced a seed for the children to plant. They go outside and find and barren spot to put the seed.
  • Quickly they watched a tomato plant begin to grow.
  • They all go back inside and the witch makes them tomato soup.
  • That night all three ate a good meal for the first time in months. They strike up a deal and the children decide to live with the witch, on the condition that they plant food for them and that the witch will never try to eat children again.
  • The all lived happliy ever after....
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