This scene is important because it shows Banquo's ghost haunting Macbeth for his murder. Macbeth's reaction to this sight shows how his fears have come true, with him being plagued for his actions
This guy is not well
There is a place reserved right here
Please, sir come sit
Where shall I sit. The table is full. Which of you are playing this horrific trick on me.To Banquo - you cant prove it was me, don't look at me like that
Slidkalniņš: 2
We may have messed up.
This scene is important because it shows that the witches were not sanctioned in their action. It also sets up the rest of the story because Macbeth will be told more of his destiny, which will lead to him losing the last bit of humanity he has.
You look angry Hecate
You Imbeciles have told Macbeth his future, and did not even consult me, the source of your power. Tomorrow he will come, and you will tell him his destiny. He will ignore wisdom, fate, and death, because security and safety are mans worst enemy.
Slidkalniņš: 3
Macduff has gone to England to meet Malcolm, and hopefully bring the might of the English to defeat Macbeth once and for all.
That tyrant Macbeth, has taken the life out of Scotland. He likely was the one behind the murder of Duncan and Banquo.
The Scottish population is suffering under Macbeth, and he must be defeated
This scene is important because it shows the growing distrust and dissatisfaction that people are having with Macbeth. This sets the stage for the revolution that occurs later in the play.