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Simple Machines

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Simple Machines
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Montāžas Apraksts

for school

Montāžas Teksta

  • Hello, I will be your "helper" while we go through all these simple machines that were breakthroughs when I was 
  • younger. So lets take a trip down memory lane, shall we
  • 10 ton
  • Levers
  • These are some examples of everyday levers we use. A wheelbarrow has a fulcrum, load motion and lever motion part.
  • Pulleys
  • A pulley is a a wheel with a groove in it so a rope can slip through it. the rope will have an anchorage point. This can be tied to something or be
  • be attached to something heavy
  • Load
  • An inclined plane is a plane angled horizontally. Examples of inclined planes are slides and ladders.
  • while you probably know of the little metal bolts as screws there are other things too. Such as lightbulbs and screw drivers.
  • These are some types of wedges. wedges are a piece of wood or metal with a thick edge and a skinny edge.
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