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The pursuit of happyness

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The pursuit of happyness
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Izmēģiniet to bez maksas!

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Izmēģiniet to bez maksas!

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  • C'mon Chris we have to go!
  • I hate this place Dad!
  • I know son, I'm trying my hardest. We'll get out of here soon.
  • Chris and his son are forced to move as they are unable to pay the rent.Film techniques:-I used a mise-en-scene that captured everything in the film.-Dark lighting which set the dark mood of the scene.-Diegetic sounds would be put in place, ensuring the audience understood why Christopher was reluctant to leave.-I used a mid-shot to show the expressions on the characters faces as well as the setting of the scene-Dialogue gave the audience an understanding of the tone of the characters. For example, the exclamation marks tell us that they are shouting.
  • Quick, come in here! .
  • The two walk through the rain as they seek to find shelter.Film techniques-I used a full shot to not only show the main characters but the setting and other characters to add to the setting.-I used dark settings as well as adding rain which set the mood of the scene.-I would use both diegetic and non-diegetic. The diegetic sound would be mainly focused on the rain whilst the non-diegetic sounds would be a backing track of really sad sounding music.
  • We are going to have to stay here tonight son, I know you don't want to but its what's best for now.
  • After a long walk in the rain, they find shelter at a train station. Others are there, they know that this is their temporary home.Film techniques:- This is a full shot. Like the scene before this, I intended on showing all of the characters as well as the settings.- I changed the lighting of the scene which kept the sad, dark mood from the scene before.-I would add a fade transition to link up this scene. -Non-diegetic sounds would be put in place because if diegetic sounds were used, it would be an awkward silence.
  • The train station is closed and the security guards have pushed everyone out. They will have to stay in the dirty bathroom for the night. Film techniques:-In this scene, I used a full shot so that I could fit the characters, setting and dialogue all in one shot.- I used brighter colours because this shot was a sign of hope, a place where they could be safe and warm for the night.-In this scene, diegetic sounds would be focused on the speech between the characters, highlighted by dialogue as well as the lesser actions such as footsteps and the opening/closing of the doors.
  • They are saddened by the realisation. They plan on sleeping here from now on until things turn around.Film techniques:-Dark lighting, this transition from the previous slide showing the change of emotion.-Dialogue was used with the intention of showing the audience the importance of what was being said. -non-diegetic sounds would be put in place, I would have dark sad music which would represent the mood of the shot.i added props to the scene such as the dirty papers, I did this because, in the film, Chris and his son had slept in a similar room with lots of dirty toilet paper on the floor.
  • Chris turns to God in the hope of turning his life around, little does he know that his prayers will be answered.Film techniques:-A mise-en-scene would be used in order to catch the characters and the setting.-Dialogue, was really important in this scene because I wanted the audience to not only see what chris was doing but understand why he was doing this.
  • God, please help me turn my life around, I need to help my son so he can live the best life possible.
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