Vyzvěte studenty, aby identifikovali a ilustrovali obrazný jazyk ve filmu Ryba na stromě od Lyndy Mullaly Huntové!
Montāžas Teksta
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Ally, vyhráli jste!
Poezie vítěz soutěže budou vyhlášeny dnes!
"When Mr. Daniels looks in her direction, she stops like she has an on/off switch. When he looks away, she laughs at Albert again.” This means that Shay is very good at looking like a good kid in front of adults, and becomes mean the second they aren't looking.
„Ale ať se děje cokoli, nevzdávej se to. Protože se pěšec jednou za čas stane královnou.“ To znamená, že vůdci mohou být i ti, kdo se cítí malí a nedůležití.
“I stand and walk toward him like the floor will swallow me up.” This means that Ally is so apprehensive that she walks towards Mr. Daniels as if she's walking towards danger.
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