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Geography Comic

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Geography Comic
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  • The Science ShowEpisode 2
  • Oh no, this volcano is about to erupt because of tectonic plates shifting. The tectonics are the processes within the mantle that build up the various features of the earth's crust.
  • This is the lab where we research geomorphology, which is the scientific field that investigates how landforms are formed on earth.
  • This colosseum is a world heritage site, which is a place listed by UNESCO as of special cultural or natural significance for preservation of the global community.
  • This is the continent of North America. A continent is what makes up the land mass on Earth. The seven current continents are Africa, Antarctica, Asia, Australia, Europe, North America, and South America.
  • This is the environment that Bilbo lives in. This is an environment, which is a specific place on Earth and all the living and non-living things that live there.
  • Oh dear, this mountain too tall for me to climb. This has been made from wind and water erosion, the wearing down, transportation and deposition of material by water, wind and ice.
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