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Evaporation By: Clara Ziegler

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Evaporation By: Clara Ziegler
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Montāžas Teksta

  • The pool water doesn't seem as high as high as it was yesterday. I wonder what happened to all the water!
  • Be right in dad!
  • John it's time to come inside for dinner.
  • The pool water was lower today than it was yesterday.
  • Well you will have to ask your teacher tomorrow about what happened.
  • Well John that's an interesting discovery you made. We will have a discussion on it today!
  • Ms. Doe while I was swimming yesterday I found that my pools water was lower than it was the day before.
  • Jane do you know why John's pool water went down?
  • Yes, the water in the pool evaporated and turned to a gas.
  • Very good Jane, class dismissed!
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