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soil erosion storyboard

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soil erosion storyboard
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Izveidojiet savu Storyboard

Izmēģiniet to bez maksas!

Montāžas Teksta

  • What has happened to my field. It is a disaster. I need to call my friend for expertise.
  • Christopher look at my field. I don't know what has happened. can you help me?
  • After the rains...
  • This has happened because of soil erosion.
  • My Fields have been wiped out, what do I do NOW?!
  • What??? I'm confused, what does soil erosion mean?
  • Soil erosion is the permanent loss of top soil by moving water and strong winds.
  • Let me tell you
  • So, it gets removed when the water is flowing and stops when the water stops, right?
  • Does rain only causes soil erosion?
  • I understand your questions but let me show you more on my tablet hans.
  • But what are the signs and effects of soil erosion?
  • Good question!
  • The signs can be gullies, muddy water in rivers ...some effects might be desertification, land degradation
  • I will show you some videos for you to see clearly.
  • This soil erosion is a real problem
  • Yeah, simple methods like terraces, mulching, windbreaks, sandbags...
  • But how can I stop this soil erosion?
  • Honestly, soil cannot be stop but can be prevented by using simple means.
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