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Stop Bullying on the Spot

Skatīt Nodarbību Plānu
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Create your own at Storyboard ThatInterveneimmediately.Itisoktogetanotheradulttohelp.Separatethekidsinvolved.Makesureeveryoneissafeandmeetanyimmediatemedicalormentalhealthneeds.Staycalm.Reassurethekidsinvolved,includingbystanders.Modelrespectfulbehaviorwhenyouintervene.Hey,what'sgoingonhere?Mrs.Jenson,pleasetakeScotttoguidanceforthetimebeing.Areyouokay,Peter?Isanyonehurt?Don'tworry.We'regoingtosortthisout.PeterandIaregoingtogotalkthisthroughwithMr.Spencer.Dangit,Peter!I'msickofthis!Getyourbutttotheprincipal'sofficenow!
Stop Bullying on the Spot
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Pēdējo desmitgažu laikā pieaugot sociālajiem medijiem, pedagogi ir novērojuši gan kiberhuligānisma, gan tradicionālās iebiedēšanas pieaugumu skolas vecuma jauniešu vidū. Pirmais solis, lai panāktu pārmaiņas, ir izglītība. Mācībspēkiem, darbiniekiem, vecākiem un studentiem ir jābūt izglītotiem, kā identificēt iebiedēšanu, reaģēt uz to un novērst to.


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Montāžas Apraksts

Anti Bullying lesson plan: Stop Bullying on the Spot

Montāžas Teksta

  • Hey, what's going on here?
  • Mrs. Jenson, please take Scott to guidance for the time being.
  • Are you okay, Peter? Is anyone hurt?
  • Don't worry. We're going to sort this out. Peter and I are going to go talk this through with Mr. Spencer.
  • Dang it, Peter! I'm sick of this! Get your butt to the principal's office now!
  • Intervene immediately. It is ok to get another adult to help.
  • Separate the kids involved.
  • Make sure everyone is safe and meet any immediate medical or mental health needs.
  • Stay calm. Reassure the kids involved, including bystanders.
  • Model respectful behavior when you intervene.
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