Create your own at Storyboard ThatGLUEGlueisafluidadhesivemadefromnaturalorsyntheticsourcesandisusedinanumberofdifferentsituationstobindtwosurfacestogether.
Create your own at Storyboard ThatGLUEGlueisafluidadhesivemadefromnaturalorsyntheticsourcesandisusedinanumberofdifferentsituationstobindtwosurfacestogether.
Лепилото е течно лепило, направено от естествени или синтетични източници и се използва в редица различни ситуации за свързване на две повърхности заедно.
Montāžas Teksta
GLUE Glue is a fluid adhesive made from natural or synthetic sources and is used in a number of different situations to bind two surfaces together.
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