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The Story of Romulus and Remus

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The Story of Romulus and Remus
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  • Up to Heaven I go
  • In the beginning of Rome there were not many women. Romulus tried to get women from other cities to come over but they all declined. The romans felt offended so they held a festival where they took all the women from other cities and made them marry them. The families of the girls tried getting them back but were denied by the romans. The families ended up joining Rome and it became a large city. At the end of Romulus's life he got sent up to heaven by a divine cloud and he became immortal.
  • When they grew up the brothers grew up to be tall and strong. The twins would take stolen items from thieves and give them back. One day the robbers took Remus and gave him to the king. Romulus rallied a bunch of people and raided the kingdom. After they killed Amulius they found out that he killed their uncles and took their mom from them. Then their grandfather was the king and they were supposed to inherit from their Numitor.
  • Instead of waiting to inherit Alba Longa from their grandfather they decided to venture off to make their own city. They both wanted it built on different hills though.They chose to decide it from an augury. Remus saw 6 birds and was the first one to see birds. But Romulus saw 12 birds later on. The brothers argued on who won so they fought to the death. Romulus killed Remus and started his city Rome.
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