Message: greetings to friendsEncoding: Tory is asking his friends how they are and what they are doing Channel: voice
Yo whats good what we doing
Sender: ToryReceivers: Kent and John
Feedback: Kent responds by said he's fine.Message: how did john and tory do on the english test.External noise: Cat meowing make it difficult to communicate
sender: KentRecievers: tory and john
Ya bruh whats good. Wait how'd u do on that English test
Feedback: John replies that he did not do good on the test while Tory replies saying he did pretty good.
oh bruh i totally bombed that test
i think i did pretty good it wasn't that hard
sender: Kent Receiver: John and tory
sure bruh wht u need help with
Message: Kent asks tory for help on english testFeedback: tory replies saying yes he'll helpInternal noise/barrier: John annoyed that they both are gonna study instead of hanging out
sender: kentreciever: tory
Lame we came to chill and hangout not study
Damn bruh that tuff. Yo Tory can u kinda help study for that test cuz i didnt understand some stuff
oh that ya it was kinda hard but ya i'll help u. John u have a pencil?
Message: Kent explains to tory what he doesn't understand Feedback: tory understandsMessage: tory asks john for a pencilFeedback: john replies saying its in his backpackDecoding: student plans to go on his phone after hearing that john and kent are gonna study.
sender: kent and tory reciever: tory and john
uhh imma just be on my phone
ya its in my backpack
oh um i didn't understand the speech from MLK can u like explain it to me in modern words
Message: Tory tells john and kent that him and kent will go in the living room so that he can studyinternal barrier: john is still annoyed with them studying