Cecilia's story begins when she is a slave near New Orleans, Louisiana. After a mysterious guest and her pet monkey arrive, Cecilia is sold to a wheat plantation in North Carolina. Cecilia never thought she could be free but the slaves at the plantation are already planning an escape and Cecilia is decides to join them. Freedom is amazing and Cecilia's life is changed forever. . . .
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Exposition: The Slave Companion of Mrs. Isabelle Caroline de Antoine
Please! I was listening to the quiet of the night!
Rising Action: arcanum est domina or The Mysterious Lady
Dear, we've arrived!
Yes, yes. I am actually capable of seeing, if you were wondering. Now, please remove your hands from me!
Someone like you is most certainly the reason it is snowing. How come you did not warn me? You WILL be whipped when I find the chance!
Climax (Part I): . . . Cruel Shall Reign
I'm s-s-sorry. . . . I-I-I. . . .
Cecilia lives in the outskirts New Orleans, Louisiana as a singing slave companion to Mrs. Isabelle Caroline de Antoine. She is 13 years old and struggles with an attention disorder that has proved to be a difficulty.
Climax (Part II): Anxious Relief
I shall buy the slave!
Late in the year, Cecilia is preparing the old, dusty rooms for a mysterious guest*, her pet monkey and husband who arrive in a dark carriage led by a beautiful, white horse one snowy night. *The mysterious visitors turn out to be Mrs. de Antoine's grand-niece, Mrs. Adelaide Ahuja-Chaudhuri and her new husband, a Prince of India.*
Falling Action: Escape to Freedom
Cecilia is sent to guide the lady and her monkey, Balin, through the town of New Orleans to buy new clothing. Mrs. Ahuja-Chaudhuri is a cruel person. It begins snowing and Cecilia is blamed. . . .
Resolution: Soy Yo! or I Am ME!
When they get home a man has come wanting to buy Cecilia as a slave at wheat plantation in North Carolina. Cecilia will not have to be near Mrs. Ahuja-Chaudhuri. Some of the slaves at the new plantation are planning an escape through the Underground Railroad!
We have a plan. . . .
Work. Work! WORK! I have a whip. . . .
After two weeks of no escape the slaves finally see their chance and escape by following the Outer Banks to Roanoke Island, their first safe house.
Cecilia is finally a free girl in Canada along with the other escapees. They have a chance to work by choice! No one owns them anymore!