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Platon Presentation

Izveidojiet Storyboard
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Platon Presentation
Storyboard That

Izveidojiet savu Storyboard

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Izveidojiet savu Storyboard

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Montāžas Teksta

  • Many years ago, in any cave, 3 people were chained, forced to look at the shadows and thinking that this was reality.
  • I've been in this cave all my life, why don't I go outside and see what's there?
  • Bye guys, I'll come back later to tell you what I saw!
  • I don't know what he expects to find, he's crazy!
  • Oh my god, this is completely different, how beautiful this world is, I finally see what was being hidden from me, the true reality!
  • Guys, you have to see this with your own eyes! You are not going to believe it, they have cheated us.
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