Jūs esat ieguvuši lieliskas idejas, bet nezinu, kur iet. Neuztraucieties, Storyboard That ir lielisks resurss, produktu izstrādei un izveidot sevi tirgū. Sākt 1. daļā: lifts piķis Storyboard That 's Illustrated Guide to produktu attīstību.
The Elevator Pitch example for SoLoMoFoo - product development example
Montāžas Teksta
I love getting free food at work! Who doesn't?I want to build an app that will let people notify others when they place free food somewhere.People who subscribe to alerts will then know where to find their free food!
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Mēs izmantojam sīkfailus, lai jūs iegūtu vislabāko pieredzi, Privātuma politika