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What Katy Did

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What Katy Did
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  • Do you know we played basketball?
  • Please, Go away.
  • Oh dear! Look "Cousin Helen and papa are on their way."
  • Ok, Aunt Izzie.
  • Let's go see Katy.
  • Now that she knew there was no chance of getting well at once , the days dragged dreadfully. she lost heart about herself , and took no interest in anything . Aunt Izzie brought her books , but she didn't want to read , or to sew . Nothing amused her . Clover and Cecy would come to sit with her , but hearing them tell about their plays , and the things they had been doing , made her cry so miserably , that Aunt Izzie wouldn't let them come often . They were very sorry for Katy , but the room was so gloomy , and Katy so cross , that they didn't mind much not being allowed to see her . In those days Katy made Aunt Izzie keep the blinds shut tight , and she lay in the dark , thinking how miserable she was.
  • * Isn't it horrid ? ” sighed Katy , as Cousin Helen looked around . " Everything's horrid . But I don't mind so much now that you've come . Oh , Cousin Helen , I've had such a dreadful , dreadful time ! "
  • Everybody was very kind and patient with her , but she was too selfishly miserable to notice it . Aunt Izzie ran up and down stairs , and was on her feet all day , trying to get something which would please her , but Katy hardly said " Thank you , ” and never saw how tired Aunt Izzie looked . So long as she was forced to stay in bed , Katy could not be grateful for anything that was done for her .
  • " What sort of things ? ”
  • Study , and help people , and become famous . And I wanted to teach the children . Mamma said I must take care of them , and I meant to . And now I can't go to school or learn anything myself . And if I ever do get well , the children will be almost grown up , and they won't need me . ”
  • " Yes , ” replied Katy , " he did say so . But perhaps it won't be for a long , long time . And I wanted to do so many things . And now I can't do anything at all ! ”
  • The first thing which broke in upon this sad state of affairs , was a letter from Cousin Helen , which Papa brought one morning and handed to Aunt Izzie .
  • Bye, Cousin Helen!
  • For the next week Katy was feverish with expectation . At last Cousin Helen came . This time Katy was not on the steps to welcome her , but after a little while Papa brought Cousin Helen in his arms , and sat her in a big chair beside the bed . It was a forlorn - looking child enough which she saw lying before her . Katy's face had grown thin , and her eyes had red circles about them from continual crying . Her hair had been brushed twice that morning by Aunt Izzie , but Katy had run her fingers impatiently through it , till it stood out above her head like a frowsy bush . She wore a calico dressing - gown , which , though clean , was particularly ugly in pattern ; and the room , for all its tidiness , had a dismal look , with the chairs set up against the wail , and a row of medicine - bottles on the chimney - piece .
  • " I know , " said her cousin , pityingly . e I've heard all about it , Katy , and I'm so very sorry for you ! It is a hard trial , my poor darling . ”
  • " Katy , ” she said at last , " has Papa told you that he thinks you are going to get well by and by ? ”
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