  • Meklēt
  • Mani Scenāriji

graphic novel\

Izveidojiet Storyboard
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graphic novel\
Storyboard That

Izveidojiet savu Storyboard

Izmēģiniet to bez maksas!

Izveidojiet savu Storyboard

Izmēģiniet to bez maksas!

Montāžas Teksta

  • I was sitting on my bed one day after school then my mom came down
  • I talked and told her everything. She asked questions and I answered them, then we went to sleep...
  • Your father he's... gone.
  • Ma what do you mean, He's gone?
  • I was distraught when she said those words. I didn't know if I would see my father and best friend ever again.
  • He went to fight in WW1 with the British Army.
  • He has to to give us a better life.
  • Our lives are just fine! We have money and all we need!
  • I was determined to do anything for my father, so that he would come back.
  • What! Why he's going to die what if I never get to see him again.
  • I know you're scared I am too, but we truly need this, we don't have any money left.
  • I'll do anything, I'll quit school to work all hours of the day! I just don't want baba gone.
  • I would give up anything for him.
  • My mom then told me everything... My Baba moved to Canada to find work and soon a better life for us.
  • I really hoped so...
  • I know, but I promise things will get better.
  • Sahil I'm scared
  • Hey mom, morning.
  • Your father... he's okay. He survied the war
  • As I slept one night, I dreamed of the day my father would come home...
  • What how do you know? when is Baba coming back!
  • I just got off the phone with the General Sir Douglas Haig of British. He said father is safe. But there's more...
  • I would cry when I see him... But not sad tears, happy ones
  • What is it what's wrong?
  • Come let me talk to you
  • I was abruptly awaken from my dream when I heard the cries of my mother..
  • I guess I wouldn't be seeing him anytime soon
  • As I ran upstair I prayed my Baba was okay.
  • 1
  • WEEK
  • The people of Canada felt that it was unfair and became discriminatory and protested against the new workers
  • My father was not allowed to leave Canada.
  • All I could do was wait and hope that my father will come back and be okay
  • Baba You're finally here...
  • So I waited
  • .
  • I won't get to see my husband... Why!!!
  • And waited
  • I was grateful that Sarphy stayed sound asleep through all this
  • MOM whats wrong with dad...
  • And waited
  • He-He's not coming back
  • But he never came or called
  • The protest became stronger and ships that carried Indian in and out of Canada were stopped and were refused entry into Canada.
  • I didn't know how long it would be until I saw him again
  • I had the same dream again... my dad was home
  • Then I woke up and I was convinced that he was home
  • I ran downstair hoping to see him
  • So I took matters into my own hands
  • Because more and more Indians were looking for work in Canada. The Canadian of European descent felt neglected from work
  • I went to bed feeling content
  • So I stopped hoping
  • Nothing happened
  • 1 month later....
  • I waited week and hoped a letter will come...
  • Baba You're finally here...
  • I woke and didn’t even think about asking my mom if baba was back.
  • Then my mom ran into my room happy nearly crying. She said....
  • But I was disappointed
  • When I heard those I jumped up and out of the room before Mom could finish talking...
  • and prayed secretly because my parents weren't religious
  • When I ran outside I saw my Baba... Just like my dream
  • I had hope again that my dad would soon be back
  • My father's mood wasn't happy it was different..
  • Baba sat down with us and told news none of were expecting.
  • Still my father didn't communicatee
  • Me and my sister tried to fight this decison but we couldn't
  • So I laid in bed all morning with no more hope.
  • I was angry at my father...He could've came back or communicated with us earlier.
  • “Baba, he's here.”
  • Sahil wait!
  • We were stranded....
  • Yes son, I'm home..
  • Baba You're finally here...
  • We found down a run down place to stay for night.
  • Baba what's wrong?
  • I have some news...go get your mom and sister
  • The next morning we woke up hoping that we would catch boat... but we didn't
  • He said he was in the U.s all this because he managed to leave Canda before it was too late. He said he found good pay in Illinois and worked in the lumber industry. He it would be better if we all moved.
  • We were stranded....
  • Mom agreed with Baba... we were leaving in 3 weeks
  • But instead he stayed in the U.S... I don't get it
  • We left February 19th.. The boat was crowded and there was no room to sleep or even move.
  • We went on a boat that entered directly through a port into the U.s that came in through San Francisco so we were ways away from are targeted destination Illinois.
  • The only problem was that we had to use half of the money we brought to the us for just one night. .
  • We ended up finding a train that was going to Ilinois
  • We went on a boat that entered directly through a port into the U.s that came in through San Francisco so we were ways away from are targeted destination Illinois.
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