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Healthy Food Intake

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Healthy Food Intake
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  • 1. Hey Louise, let go for lunch?
  • 2. Alright then Jacob, because I haven't eaten yet.
  • 5. You should order some healthy food too because not all food are nutritious
  • 4. I will just order a simple dish that healthy and good for my body
  • 3. I am so hungry right now and can't wait to eat a lot of food
  • 6. In my mind right now is fried chicken, fried fish, fried rice and many more
  • 7. Should you bought all of the food? Isn't it bad for you if you consume a lot calories in one time?
  • 8. It's doesn't matter because this is good food and it is delicious.
  • 9. There are varieties choices when it come to healthy food and you need to know it.
  • 10. Healthy food for example,
  • 11. All of the food that I have told you have a lot of vitamins, good for digestion, good for the body can make it healthier
  • 12. All right Louise, so now you know about the healthy food categories and hope it can help you in the future.
  • 13. Thank you Jacob for the advise and I will change my habit and change it to eating healthier food in the future
  • 14. Thanks for joining today lunch and hope to see you again tomorrow Jacob and God bless.
  • 16. Bye.
  • 15. Welcome and thank you too for inviting me today for lunch. See you again and God bless you too Louise.
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