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Biology Project

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Biology Project
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  • RepeatThanks for Reading !!
  • I have lived my entire life as only one cell and never had kids or divided. I will grow old and die in this coffin now :(
  • G0 Phase
  • I have made the decision to grow and dived into two cells. I will grow and build proteins I need for cell division. 💪
  • G1 Phase
  • The cell has replicated the DNA so that now each chromosome has twocopies/chromatids.
  • Synthesis Phase
  • Gotta build the proteins and take in them nutrients to get ready to divide. 💪
  • G2 Phase
  • Next Mitosis occurs and by the end of Mitosis, cytokinesis occurs and two identical daughter cells are formed !!
  • Mitosis Phase
  • RepeatThanks for Reading !!
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