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The simple machines

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The simple machines
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Montāžas Teksta

  • Hey, do you know what a wheel and axle is ? The wheel and axle the to parts rotate together that makes the force translate from one to the other and makes it move Easier.
  • A door nob is a wheel and axle
  • Do you know what a lever is ? A lever has three thing to make it a load the thing that is moving.A fulcrum is the part that makes it moves and the effort is where you push or pull . The lever makes it a longer distance but less effort.
  • A seesaw is a lever
  • Do you know what a pulley is ?A pulley has four things to the make it.The wheel and axle helps the rope go around it.The rope gives us mechanical advantage if the rope is longer it is easier to pull.
  • A zip-line is a pulley.
  • A ramp is a Inclined plane#160;#160;
  • Do you know#160; what an inclined plane is?A inclined plane has three things to make it. The higher end were it starts the lower end were it ends and the smooth surface.
  • Do you know what a wedge is?A wedge has two things to make it the Thine end and the thick end. It is used to split things.
  • Teeth are wedges.
  • A water bottle cap is a Screw.
  • Do you know what a screw is? A screw has 3 things to make it a shaft , head and inclined plane.Screws help us keep stuff together.#160;
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