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  • Native Americans (1490-1700)
  • Early Native American literature was all done orally, and they told legends, myths, tales, and stories. They told stories to people for centuries. It was a tradition for them. While people were telling stories, they would sing and make hand gestures to emphasize what was going on in the story. Also, they had things in the story repeat a certain amount of times, which involved significant numbers in their culture or religion. Nature was also a very common part of their literature.
  • This literature was written by the first European settlers in America. The writing mostly consisted of letters and journals, where they talked about their experiences in the New World. A lot of the writing was used to report back to the king, so it's thought that they romanticized their experiences, and it was basically turned it into propaganda. They emphasized the plentiful resources and incredible landscape so they could justify going there.
  • Early Settlers(1500-1670)
  • Puritanism(1620-1790)
  • Age of Reason(1750-1800)
  • Puritan literature was written by European settlers in America, usually in the form of journals and diaries. They wrote about what immigrating to America was like, and their experiences. They also wrote back to their families in Europe. Puritans believed in Christianity, so their writing was greatly influenced by the bible. They compared themselves and their lives to people in the bible. They also had more plain and simple writing, because it's what they valued.
  • Romanticism(1820-1860)
  • The Age of Reason was a movement where people focused less on religion and superstitions, and emphasized reason and rationalism. Writers in that time, instead of using their religious beliefs to support their arguments, they used logic. Pamphlets and political documents were important literature during this period of time. Fiction wasn't really that influential, and non-fiction was a lot more focused on and important to people.
  • Transcendentalism(1830-1850)
  • Romanticism is when people focused more on individualism and celebrated the common people. It valued strong emotions, and completely went against classicism and rationalism. It involved imagination and an escape from reality. The writing in this time focused a lot on American ideas and things the United States values. It was also the people wanting to rebel against science and stuff like that.
  • Realism(1860-1914)
  • Transcendentalism was a movement that was political, literary and religious. Some people were focusing on the idea that everyone is responsible for development spiritually. There was religious and literary expression forms. The people who were involved with transcendentalism formed the ideas that would reshape America after the Civil War
  • Naturalism(1865-1914)
  • Realism began as a movement that rejected romanticism. It focused more on real life, and what was going on right then. The main writing during realism was fiction, which represented real life experiences. Realists make sure to work on their own time, deal with every day things, and what's going on politically.
  • Naturalism is basically a more extreme and advanced version of realism. The literature during this movement involved social conditions, family roles, and human character. Writers wrote stories which had the idea that the environment influences the character of humans. Science was also involved in literature. This movement was more philosophical, and showed a certain view of characters. Natural forces were an important part of it too.
  • After the first world war, writers and artists questioned old ideas they had, including what they thought of their cultures values and things they had accomplished. What resulted from this was Modernism. People felt like their old ideas didn't fit the world they now lived in. The literature of this time focused on disappointment, loneliness, and despair. They questioned if there was actually any truths in life
  • Modernism(1914-1945)
  • The Harlem Renaissance was the most influential movements for African Americans. It was focused mainly on literature, art, and music. African Americans wanted to seperate themselves from the stereotypes white people had about them. It had a huge influence on future African American literature. There were prizes and awards to display their talent for literature, and their writing inspired many African Americans.
  • Harlem Renaissance(1920-1930)
  • Post-Modernism(1950-present)
  • Contemporary(1970-present)
  • Just like with the first modern movement, the post-modern movement began after a world war, this one being World War 2. People say that post-modernism is a break away and continuation of the modern movement. They mixed genres on purpose, and had opposites of each other put together. The literary works also stayed ambiguous, which was also on purpose.
  • Pluralism(1970-present)
  • At that time, the wars had a huge impact on literature. The Americans were confused, and were losing their faith in humanity. Some Americans were proud of their country though, so all this impacted writing a lot. In writing, there was focus on addressing current issues, and hoping to raise awareness on them.
  • Pluralism has a variety of cultures, and it's very diverse. That had an impact on themes, genre, and just literature in general. Stories were also told about history, and was just all over the place. Some writing involved freedom in literary expression.
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