Herot is one of the greatest mead halls, built by Hrothgar. Hrothgar's men were living happy, having a party but, a foul beast, named Grendel lived near and did not like all the noise they were making in the mead hall.
Battle with Grendel
Grendel was tired of all the noise so that night he went to the Mead Hall and had a feast on King Hrothgar's men, killing countless numbers of them. Hrothgar's men had no chance or ability to fight against the beast; swords and shield broke at any contact with Grendel's skin. The beast toyed with the dead men like a child's toys.
Battle with Grendel's Mother
Beowulf hears the news about Grendel's devastating parade of terror through the mead halls. He gathers of bravest and strongest men and they sail to Denmark.
The Final Battle
Beowulf sets up a trap to lead Grendel to the mead hall, and attempts to kill him. No weapons can pierce Grendel's skin, Beowulf has to use his bare hands. Eventually Beowulf ripped Grendel's arm off and sent Grendel back to his cave to die alone.
Grendel's mother wants revenge for her sons death and terrorizes Herot. She lives in an underwater cave. Beowulf swims down to the bottom of the lake to find Grendel's mother. Beowulf cant hurt her with his sword so he drops it. He then finds a magical sword which he uses to cut her head off.
The dragon was wreaking havoc across Beowulf land. Beowulf and Wiglaf fight the dragon. The dragon burns Beowulf's shield, his sword breaks, and attacks him again and his sword shattered while Wiglaf stabs the dragon in his vulnerable place and the dragon wounds Beowulf. Wiglaf and Beowulf end up killing the dragon. Beowulf ends up dying and passes his kingship to Wiglaf. Beowulf gets mourned by the Geats.
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