Now we discuss the murder of Wilma Derksen's daughter's murder.
One day, Candice was taking the bus home when she went missing and was later found dead, tied up and frozen in an old shed.
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After Wilma found out about the death, many friends and family came to help support her. However, there was this one man that she didn't know that stayed after everyone left. He told her that he was also a parent of a murdered child.
He told her how he went to court three times to try to get justice for his daughter, and also how that destroyed his and his wife's lives. It was at this point that Wilma decided she needed to forgive in order to move on.
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Reynold's demonstrated being way too far on the side of the curve of grief to where it was revenge.
We can also see through Reynold's story the inverted u curve of punishment in law, and see how hard it is to balance.
Both of these examples can be applied to the inverted U curve in different ways.
However, Wilma found the perfect balance point on the inverted U curve of grief.