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Elements of Civilization

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Elements of Civilization
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Montāžas Teksta

  • Types Of Government
  • Oligarchy: when a system of government is run by a small group or a few people
  • Autocracy: when the power to rule belongs to one person
  • All the power belongs to me!
  • Democracy: when the people, or citizens in a country, have a say in how it runs or how it is governed
  • Monarchy: when the power to rule belongs to a king or queen
  • We have inherited all the power! We are an example of an absolute monarch.
  • More commonly, you see constitution monarchs, where they have more ceremonial power than the power to rule.
  • Theocracy: government ruled on the basis of religion or a set of spiritual beliefs
  • My God says that I should rule, and that we should follow these sets of rules...
  • Together, as a group, we make decisions on how to govern.
  • Power to the people!
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