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Story board scratch

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Story board scratch
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Montāžas Teksta

  • Homepage
  • This Quiz goes over some of the united states of America History. (Ages 14 + _)
  • ControlsS= Next SlideA= Last SlideE= StatsQ= HintThe objective is to get the most points before the end of the quiz.
  • Question 1
  • A: 1520B: 2021C:1590D:1620
  • Hello I'm Christopher Jones I'm the owner of the shipFirst QuestionWhen did the first ship arrive in America
  • Question 2
  • This is the parliament house of America Second Question: Who was the first America
  • A: George WashingtonB:James MonroeC:Abraham LincolnD: Donald Trump
  • ControlsS= Next SlideG= Last SlideE= StatsQ= HintPress A B C or D for the letter related to the question.
  • Question 3
  • Press A B C or D for the letter related to the question.
  • Question 4
  • Press A B C or D for the letter related to the question.
  • Question 5
  • Hello welcome to Question 5. Get ready for questions 5 When was Rikers Prison created.
  • Press A B C or D for the letter related to the question.
  • Hello I'm back again Ready for Question 3When was Mount Rushmore Nation Memorial Created.
  • A:1855B:1927C:1322D:2015
  • Press A B C or D for the letter related to the question.
  • When was the statue of liberty made.A:2019B:1753C:1866D:1655
  • Hello Ready for Question 4
  • Press A B C or D for the letter related to the question.
  • A:1932B:1859C:1328D:2019
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